

Fertilizers can provide the nutrients essential for plant growth. They are generally applied on the soil or leaves of the plants to promote their rapid growth and development. They generally come in three basic forms - dry, soluble, and time release fertilizers. Soluble fertilizers can be dissolved in water. On the other hand, the time release fertilizers can come in both dry and soluble form, and they are released slowly over a period of time..

Fertilizers can provide the nutrients essential for plant growth. ... Fertilizer Components. Whether organic or synthetic, the key ingredients of a fertilizer are, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which are usually referred to as NPK. ... Nitrogen (N) ... Phosphorus (P) ... Potassium (K) ... Secondary Macronutrients and Micronutrients.

  • NPK
  • SSP
  • DAP
  • MAP
  • TSP

Our Quality

Quality control by our experienced team, every step of the production process is continuously controlled through analysis and measurement procedures.
Sampling is continuously in the production stage this way, we keep the same quality in our products all the time.

Our Packing:
Products are packaged in sacks with a capacity of 50 kg,or JUmbo bags 1.25 M/T.

Our Logistics:
Because we recognize the importance of time for our customers, there is a dedicated team to organize the transport process, and stowage containers with high skill and finish all customs procedures on time